Kemer travel Guide
Kemer travel Guide: Although the neighborhood of the regional center is considered not so rich in artifacts, but there are also objects worthy of a visit to a cheap excursion from Kemer to the mountains and more.

Although the neighborhood of the regional center is considered not so rich in artifacts, but there are also objects worthy of a visit to a cheap excursion from Kemer to the mountains and more. First of all, these are the caves of Beldibi, located about 20 kilometers from the exit point. The cave is the second most important in History in Turkey: the only West Asian Petrogylps - painted on the stone images of man and animals at least 50,000 years ago — have been found here.
Fans of familiarity with the historical heritage will recommend newcomers to buy Tours in Kemer to get a chance to touch the ancient ruins of the settlement of phaselis, which hailed from the 7th century BC. Distance, which will have to overcome — no more than 2 tens of kilometers, and impressions will be enough for the rest of your life!
Stunningly picturesque Goynuk Canyon — a place that gives delight to the eyes, hungry for live natural beauty after the usual dusty cities of the house. Numerous reviews of travelers speak in favor of independent visiting the attraction by bus or rented car, with swimming, photo shoots and just aromatherapy.
10 km from Kemer, an hour's drive from the Mediterranean coast, a tiny village of Camyuva (with a tour of the “pine nest”) was built in the proud status of a resort of international importance. Here is an earthly paradise: the snowy peaks of the Taurus Mountains, an immaculate beach surrounded by pine boron, citrus groves, olive plantations, blossoming oleander and palm trees!
The huge botanical garden in a kind of tekirova eko park - it's countless alleys, along which the well-groomed flora, numbering more than 10,000 species of plants, of which the good part is listed in the Red Book. The second half of the park is dedicated to reptiles. The unique collection includes exotic reptiles and amphibians. In short, Tours in Kemer are better to see once, and the stock of impressions will be replenished many times!