Hosh bulduk
Hosh geldiniz : Hosh bulduk. The first acquaintance with the Turkish speechIn this series of blogs we will get acquainted with the most popular phrases and words in Turkish

Very often, when you come to another country, you want to plunge into its culture, customs, holidays. Many people like to learn new words. To do this, I will try to acquaint you with the most popular phrases in Turkish. And the locals themselves are very pleased when tourists try to speak with them in their native language.
Let's start with a greeting;
Merhaba! Merhabalar! (Merhaba! Merhabalar!) -Hello!
Selam! Selamlar! (Selam! Selamlar!) -Hi! Hello!
Günaydın! (Gunaydyn!) - Good morning (official greeting)
İyi günler! (iyi gunler!) -Good day (official greeting)
İyi akşamlar! (iyi akshamlar!) - Good evening (official greeting)
Hoş geldiniz! - Hoş bulduk! (Hosh Geldiniz! -Hosh Bulduk!) Welcome! - Thank
Hoşça kalın (Hoşça kal) (Hoshcha Kal) Stay happily (says the one who leaves)
Güle güle! (Güle Güle) Bye Bye! Goodbye (say the outgoing)
Now let's try to meet:
Benim adım huseyin (benim adym hossein) - my name is hossein.
Sizin adınız ne? (Sizin adinis ne?) - And your name?
You answer Benim adım ....
After that, they say
Memnun oldum! (memnun oldum) - Nice to meet you!
Ben de memnun oldum! (Ben de Meumnum oldum) -I am pleased too
On this perhaps finish our first acquaintance with the language. Who has the desire you can ask in the comments any phrases and I will be happy to help you!